Sunday 20 April 2014

Finda Koroma: Liar or Truthful? Violent Associates or Lady With Pedigree?

Finda Koroma: Liar or Truthful?
Finda Koroma: Violent Associates or Lady with Pedigree?


A Comprehensive Report by SENATOR Correspondents in Kono

David Tam Baryoh of MONOLOGUE is on a political mission to turn black into white. This is why on his program of Saturday April 19th 2014, he said there was no violence in Kono on Thursday April 17th 2014.

David Tam Baryoh: Politrickster
Rather, he said “strangers inside Kono” lost their way “twice” and each time, the “strangers inside Kono” would ‘coincidentally’ meet the same set of Kono people. What a coincidence indeed! Infact, almost everything Tam Baryoh said on what happened in Kono that day, was a lie.
This article by our SENATOR newspaper correspondents in Kono will set the facts out for those who want the truth about how thugs attacked the official vehicle of the Education Minister, Dr. Minkailu Bah, in Kono because he diplomatically corrected the LIES of one Finda Koroma, the sister of First Lady Sia Koroma.
It can be recalled that recently, Finda Koroma posted all over FACEBOOK about “the launching of the Technical Institute in Koidu - Simbakoro axis on Thursday 17th April by the Ministry of Education”.

Finda Koroma had virtually said she was to be given personal credit for it. Read her claims of “my, my and my” when she wrote thus:
“…grateful to H.E. the President for acceding to my personal plea for a vocational institute to be placed in Kono amongst the 4 sites, to the Honourable Minister of Education, Dr. Minkailu Bah for responding sincerely to my personal pleas for help for Kono with regard to educational programmes”.

Finda furthered she is “grateful to Paramount Chief Fengai Korgbendeh Kamachiende III for accepting my application  for the granting of 30 acres of land free of charge to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology two years ago as the site for the Technical Institute”.

Everything was “my, my and me” in Finda Koroma’s FACEBOOK update. She even craftily ended with gratitude to “of course to the Islamic Development Bank” giving impression as if she was in the center of it all and IDB was an after-thought.

In her cheapness after her self-praise, she even had a high-sounding call for Kono youths as if Kono youths should be grateful to her. She cheaply took credit that was not hers.
This is the real face of Miss Finda Koroma. It
is unclear why she insults others of WORWOR

Senior government officials in the know, quietly scorned at her FAKERY. Well, then comes Thursday 17th April 2014 date she herself first revealed will be the date Education Ministry will launch the project that she was supposedly the brains behind. It was a day to remember inside Kono.

In the midst of esteemed Paramount Chiefs from Kono, Kenema and Kailahun and throngs of citizens, Paramount Chief Saquee of Tankoro acknowledged the effort of the education minister for not sending a deputy minister or senior education official but driving himself all the way down to Kono.

When it was his turn to speak, the Education Minister first made it clear that President Koroma urged him thus: 'Nobody should represent you but you yourself should be the one to address the people of Kono at launch of the construction of the Technical and Vocational Institute for the People of Kono'.
Education Minister Dr. Minkailu Bah is
a perfect gentleman who is diplomatic
Continuing, the Education Minister said: "Yesterday, there was a Cabinet meeting at State House where we all cabinet ministers should have been present but President Koroma attaches such great importance to today's programme that he released Hon. Local Government Minister Diana Konomani from attending Cabinet yesterday in order for her to come ahead to be present here today. That shows the importance which the President attaches to this programme".

Minister of Local Government & Rural Development
Hon. Mrs. Diana Konomani-Kabba is a pride to Kono
Education Minister further revealed:- "Yesterday, I was at State House in the morning but by lunchtime, the President urged me to immediately leave Freetown and make sure I am at this programme here in Kono this morning."

After this explanation, the Honourable Education Minister gave a blow-by-blow account of how the Tec-Voc Institute came about for Kono. He was diplomatic like the fine gentleman he is but the message was well delivered to the people of Kono from the seat of power at State House.

It was so shameful and sad to listen as all of Finda Koroma’s "my, my, my" recent claims on FACEBOOK were diplomatically exposed as LIES by the Honourable Minister of Education, Dr. Minkailu Bah, who gave a blow-by-blow account of the history and people behind the eventual launching of the Islamic Development Bank funded Technical Institute in Koidu - Simbakoro axis.

The Minister explained that long after Diana Konomani had lobbied for the Technical Institute to be located in Kono and long after President Koroma had firmly instructed Kono should be first of the four localities, was the time Finda Koroma first went to Education Ministry “for a different project” named PLAYHOUSE for which she wanted government credibility.

The Minister said that occasion was “the first time he informed Finda Koroma" of the Tec-Voc project that President Koroma planned to build in Kono and which Diana Konomani had been constantly lobbying for.

According to the Education Minister, that was the time Finda Koroma said she would contact Diana Konomani to work with Diana in securing the land for the Institute. The next day, the Education Minister, continued, Diana Konomani phoned him to say Finda Koroma had gone to her saying the Education Minister wanted Finda to work with Diana in securing appropriately located land for the Technical Institute.

Finda Koroma is the sister of First Lady Sia Koroma but that should not blind others about her true nature. Whether true or not, she is believed by some to be psychologically imbalanced so she lies without any hesitation which is why she tried to take personal credit for the Kono Technical Institute on FACEBOOK, giving the impression that she had to be the one lobbying the President to help the people of Kono. It was a blatant and sick lie aimed at giving herself relevance and also a continuation of her sly campaign to constantly undermine her brother-in-law, the President. Her subtle messages on FACEBOOK had been, 'if I had not told the President, he would not have made Kono benefit from this Institute'.

Well, Education Minister has spoken and from his diplomatically delivered statements on behalf of the Government, it is very clear that Finda Koroma lied on FACEBOOK to give herself undue credit in placement of Technical Institute in Kono. Her now-notorious cohort, Koidu Mayor Emmerson had also tried to portray Finda Koroma as “instrumental” in getting government to place the Technical Institute in Kono.

Earlier, attempts to get Finda Koroma to play a part at the occasion were very firmly rebuffed by government officials as she is a nonentity in the affairs at hand. In other words, contrary to her loud posturing on FACEBOOK, Finda Koroma did nothing to influence the government placing the Institute in Kono.

The saddest aspect which Tam Baryoh tried to cover up is that as a result of the minister's truthful words spoken, certain notorious Kono thugs, ambushed the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT VEHICLE of the Honourable Education Minister (who happens to be APC Chairman for Tonkolili District) threatening to beat him because he publicly exposed the LIES of Finda Koroma and Koidu Mayor.

This ambush was after the launching ceremony when the Minister headed back to Koidu Town from the project site. The only saving grace was that the Education Minister had not been riding in his vehicle but had been seated in the official vehicle of the Local Government Minister, Diana Konomani which had used another route where the two Cabinet Ministers had gone to inspect late Doris Kamanda's PROWA school before going for their lunch.

Whilst Hon. Diana Konomani and Hon. Minkailu Bah were at the PROWA compound, thugs who attacked the Minister's vehicle thought he was inside there and they faced off with the two OSD police officers who were inside the Education Minister's jeep. Poor SLBC-TV journalist, Sheku Sumaila was seated inside the vehicle and he reports the incident was “terrifying” to him as the Education Minister’s vehicle was ambushed by the thugs not once, but twice. These are the ambushes which Tam Baryoh presents as coincidental meetings between “strangers in Kono” and some Kono people around the Mayor. Infact, the last ambush was done just a short distance from Minister Diana Konomani’s compound in the city.

I spoke to sources very close to the Education Minister and asked if he would press charges against thugs who attacked his vehicle with offensive words and weapons. My sources say because the thugs were saying they are upset with him on behalf of the First Lady's sister, the Education Minister does not want to create embarrassment for the First Lady if such a case goes to court. This, sources say, is because during the court proceedings, the First Lady's name might be mentioned as the sister of Finda Koroma. The relationship between the Honourable Vice-President and the renegades in Kono, might also get to be mentioned in any court proceedings.

First Lady Sia Koroma has always stood by the President.
Now, she needs to reign in her brethren; especially Finda.
But how long should this continue when the First Lady is not able to control her family members and a few of her Kono people continue to disrespect her husband, the President and most of the Kono people serving her husband? Diana Konomani, Logus Balogun Koroma, Karamoh Kabba, APC Chairman Francis Gbondo, etc. etc. are all insulted daily by a few Kono people associated with First Lady’s sister Finda and/or the Vice-President, her Kono brother. The entire country’s leadership sits down and watch out of fear of upsetting First Lady Sia and VP Sam-Sumana’s feelings? How long Lord?

Hon. Minister Musa Tarawally was first victim
Many citizens are developing growing unease over this SILENCE as the violence in Kono continues by the same clique. The Education Minister is the second Cabinet Minister whose jeep has come under attack inside Kono. The Minister of Internal Affairs, Musa Tarawally, was also subjected to similar attack some 30 months ago. He was unfortunately caught inside his jeep unlike the Education Minister who escaped this latest ambush.

No-one expects President Koroma to publicly expose his wife’s sister as the damned liar she is but the Honourable Minister of Education, sent to Kono by the President, could not allow Finda and a clique including the Koidu Mayor, to mislead on who takes credit for the Institute.

The credit itself for even conceptualising the project for Kono and three other localities by Islamic Development Bank, is mainly due to President Koroma who, according to the Education Minister, in September 2007, inherited a haphazard poorly prepared Tec-Voc project but like he did for Njala University, took a personal interest in the project until it conceptualised into the current high end Tec-Voc Institute.

The credit for lobbying for the Koidu Technical Institute belongs to Diana Konomani-Kabba on whose capable wings, Finda Koroma wants to fly without merit. The credit had NOTHING to do with Madam Finda Koroma. She lied on FACEBOOK; and most shamefully too.

Meanwhile, Melvin C. C. Alieu, Kono District Youth Council Chairman, on that same Thursday 17th April 2014, whilst returning to the city from the launching, got ambushed and attacked on his motorbike as did the Kono Youth Council Secretary-General Tamba Alex Biango by the same thugs who attacked the Minister of Education. According to Melvin who spoke to SENATOR newspaper in Kono, the thugs told him and Biango that Melvin’s Vote of Thanks at the occasion was “biased”.
The Seven-Member Kono Youth Council headed by
Melvin C.C. Allieu (extreme right in red shirt & glasses).
Youths Scribe Mr. Tamba Biango is third from right

The Kono District Youth Council has also officially lamented to journalists that Finda Koroma, the sister of the First Lady, few days ago, sent a very offensive SMS text message to Melvin Allieu, blasting him "rubbish" because he called a news conference at Youth Commission to explain of how he has been banned from buying petrol at Finda Koroma's NP petrol station in Kono.

The Manager of Finda Koroma's filling station, Mr. Berns Komba Lebbie was one of the campaign managers for Tamba Senessie, the defeated aspirant for position of Kono Youth Chairman won by Melvin Allieu.

Berns Komba Lebbie of NP will regularly
insult President Koroma on FACEBOOK.

Tamba Senessie: A shame to Kono district
who attended college but could not un-learn
primitive violent ways of uncivilised brutality
It is the same Tamba Senessie who recently wrote on Facebook that if Special Executive Assistant to President Koroma, steps feet inside Kono, she will be "beaten" and taken to secret society bushes where she may be murdered. This is how these people rationalise. These people are proven as violent and lawless. These are the associates and/or employees of Finda Koroma and her buddy, the Mayor of Koidu city, Mr. Emmerson. These are the thugs who ambushed the official vehicle of the government minister of Education in Kono aiming for the minister but not knowing it was SLBC reporter Sheku Sumaila who was inside.

However, the Kono Youth Chairman Melvin Allieu, who was duly elected by a resounding victory by his colleague Kono youths, has assured journalists that the violent youths in Kono are in the minority. The youth chairman said the violent youths are being incited by a few older Kono people who ought to know better but for political reasons, are hiding behind misguided youths to intimidate and insult decent citizens. He said the official voice of the youths of Kono were vested in the Kono Youths Council headed by MELVIN ALIEU  as Chairman, AGNES ALIE  as Vice Chairman, TAMBA A. BIANGO as Secretary, FRANCIS F. LEBBIE as Assistant Secretary, TAMBA ELLIE as Project Officer, GLADYS GBONDA as Financial Secretary and PHILEMON K.V. SANDI as Public Relations Officer.

Whilst all of this is going on, Local Government Minister Diana Konomani has used the occasion of the launching of the Kono Vocational & Technical Institute project, as a podium to call for discipline and unity amongst Kono people and for women of Kono to be educated and encouraged to further their education. She called for the people of Kono to render a standing ovation to President Koroma for his efforts to find money to construct the Kono Highway, for his placement of the Technical Institute inside Kono and most of all, for his undying love for the people of Kono. President Koroma then got a resounding ovation from the Chiefs, traditional leaders, women and youths of Kono.

According to Dr. Bah, it was Diana Konomani who first approached him, few years back, on hearing of the Islamic Bank funded proposal to be placed in 4 locations around the country. He said, she was not a Minister by then and had not even won the Kono Local Council Chairmanship then. Dr. Bah said he told Diana that he was convinced by her passionate lobbying for Kono to be one of the 4 localities and urged her to also lobby President Koroma.

Iron Lady Diana Konomani: A Pride of Kono
In sharp contrast, the Education Minister said, the first time Finda Koroma knew of the Technical Institute project for Kono was when “all decisions had been already taken”. Infact, the Education Minister was the one who actually mentioned the project to Finda Koroma when Finda went to him “for a different project called PLAYHOUSE”.

Please compare the Minister's words to Finda Koroma's "my, my, my" claims she posted on FACEBOOK. With all her high education and so-called pedigree, this is what Finda has resulted herself to? Lying and taking credit for other people's hard work whilst her supporters ambush and attack Education Minister’s vehicle in BROAD DAYLIGHT for saying the truth? How sad. But most importantly, HOW LONG MUST WE STAY SILENT AS THE SAME THUGS RAMPAGE KONO AND SPREAD LIES? Food for thought.

Finally, the people of Kono are saying Thank you President Ernest Bai Koroma for insisting that your Education Minister drive down to Kono and publicly set the records straight right inside Kono. Thank you also to our sister, Hon. Mrs. Diana Konomani-Kabba who has once again proven her undying love for Kono, the land of our birth.